2021 Campaign
What are we planning?
Our campaign which will ultimately end in the week long epic sponsored walk from Sunday 26th September to the Saturday 2nd October 2021 will be supported by our fund-raising team throughout the year.
Throughout 2021, we will be holding various fundraising events locally and endeavour to engage an interactive nationwide audience using the powers of social media platforms.
Some examples of fundraising events in support of our charities. (Covid controls allowing)
- Sponsored small to medium scale events,
- Walks, cycle rides & football tournaments
- Pub raffles and fundraising themed days, gig nights, gentlemen’s nights, ladies’ nights.
- Host a sponsored garden party (themed online & interactive)
- Face painting children’s days
- Sports clubs fundraising days
- Online merchandise shop
- Evening events
- High street shop collection points and support
- Office days
- And many more exciting and engaging events
With the support of the local community & help from business’s we believe we’ll exceed the previous target,
Please join us to make a difference, Business and corporate Sponsorship packages are available to ensure our donors have maximum exposure on our website and social media platforms.
Our Charities for 2020 – 2021
CALM, campaign against living miserably.
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. helping parents, siblings, partners, friends and colleagues. They spread the message and facilitate, universities, pubs, clubs and prisons across the country – so that people feel empowered to share their experiences and get the help they need before they reach the point of crisis.
CALM provide an incredibly important service which we feel passionately about supporting.
The Not Forgotten Association (NFA)
Delivering high quality and safe recreational and entertainment activities to meet the needs of their beneficiaries, providing a caring and personal service which is fully linked in with other recovery pathways and which is underpinned by an ethos where everyone counts and is valued.
Having seen the positive impact of our support we have once again chosen to proudly support the NFA,
We have a dedicated online giving page where 100% of the donations go directly to our charities.
Donate today using the button below.